People working together to ensure a healthy urban watershed with flowing rivers and streams

Collaborative Updates

You’re invited to join one of our active working groups, participate in upcoming events, connect your work within this watershed-wide effort, share your ideas, join our newsletter, and contribute and benefit in many other ways. Fill out the form below to get involved. 

Working Groups

Restoring Flows and Floodplains
Restoring perennial and intermittent flow and native riparian habitat through holistic watershed management.

One Water
Implementing one water system including green infrastructure to manage stormwater, and effluent recharge and reuse. One Water collaborates with, shares goals, and meets jointly with the Low Impact Development Working Group (LIDWG) and the Sustainable Cities Network’s Green Infrastructure Group.

Watershed Recreation + Education
Promoting education and recreation to drive awareness, connection, and stewardship of river's role on surrounding communities.

Who is the Santa Cruz Watershed Collaborative?

2022 SCWC Watershed Restoration Plan for Website